segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009

Outro antigo, mas que gosto pelo momento de inspiração: Thank you for being such a friend/ In all ways I try to give back / All these feelings you bring to me/ I wish nothing in this world had an end/ So i'd have all time on Earth to try to tell you/ How things came to be easier beside you/ I think I shouldn't say this/ Well, I think, I should have tried this before/ Such a long time I spent in the denial/ Refusing to see you're the only one who matches,/ I mean, perfectly with me. / I do not have any fear to be who I am,/ To say what I'd like to, to do, whatever comes on mind/ I feel somehow you'll get it,/ I feel I can hold you any time./ All this waiting has worth the while./ I'll never let anything take it away by the time you step in./

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